Research Publications

The information presented on this page may be outdated. It may refer to situations which have changed or people who are no longer affiliated with the university. It is archived as part of Mississippi State University's history.

Date Title
02/2025Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2024
02/2025Consumer Preferences for Garland Designs
01/2025Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2024
01/2025Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2024
01/2025Mississippi Corn Hybrid Trials, 2024
12/2024Mississippi Annual Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2024
12/2024Mississippi Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials, 2024
12/2024Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2024
11/2024Mississippi Sunn Hemp Variety Trials, 2023
11/2024Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2023
11/2024Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2023
11/2024Mississippi Bermuda Grass Variety Trials, 2023
10/2024Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2023
09/2024Mississippi Corn Variety Trials, 2023
05/2024Procedures Used to Calculate Property Taxes for Agricultural Land in Mississippi
05/2024Mississippi Annual Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2023
02/2024Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2023
02/2024Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2023
02/2024Mississippi Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials, 2023
06/2023Potassium Nutrition of Cotton Growth, Yield, and Fiber Quality
05/2023Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2022
05/2023Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2022
05/2023Mississippi Perennial Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2022
04/2023Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2022
02/2023Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2022
01/2023Mississippi Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials, 2022
01/2023Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2022
12/2022Measuring Economic Impacts of Outreach Programs to the Commercial Fishing Industry
09/2022Mississippi Annual Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2022
08/2022Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2022
06/2022Mississippi Perennial Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2021
05/2022Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2021
03/2022Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2021
03/2022Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2021
01/2022Mississippi Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials, 2021
01/2022Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2021
01/2022Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2021
12/20212020 Spring-Summer Ornamentals Trial Top Performers
11/2021Watershed Conservation: A Case Study On the Redbud-Catalpa Creek Watershed
10/2021Proceedings of 46th Annual Ornamental Horticulture Field Day
09/2021A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Feeds, and Feeding of Catfish (Third Revision)
09/2021Mississippi Cover Crop Variety Trials, 2021
08/2021Mississippi Wheat & Oat Variety Trials, 2021
08/2021Mississippi Annual Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2021
07/20212019 Spring-Summer Ornamentals Trial Top Performers
05/2021Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2020
05/2021Mississippi Cover Crop Variety Trials, 2020
05/2021Exotic Ants of Mississippi
04/2021Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2020
02/2021Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2020
01/2021Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2020
12/2020Mississippi Annual Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2020
12/2020Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2020
11/2020Mississippi Grain Sorghum Variety Trials, 2020
10/2020Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2019
10/2020Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2018
08/2020Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2020
04/2020Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2019
02/2020Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2019
02/2020Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2019
12/2019Strategic Bird Monitoring Guidelines for the Northern Gulf of Mexico
12/2019Mississippi Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials, 2019
12/2019Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2019
11/2019Mississippi Annual Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2019
11/2019Mississippi Cover Crop Variety Trials, 2019
10/2019MDOT-MSU Highway Vegetation Management Four-Year Summary Report 2013-2016
10/2019Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Wreath Design
09/20192017 Cotton Performance Results for the Regional Breeder Testing Network
08/2019Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2019
06/2019Mississippi Perennial Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2018
04/2019Mississippi Warm-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2018
03/2019Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2018
02/2019Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2018
01/2019Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2018
12/2018Mississippi Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials, 2018
12/2018Computer Usage Among Nursery and Greenhouse Operations in Selected Southern States
11/2018Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2018
10/2018Mississippi Annual Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2017
10/2018Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2017
07/2018Mississippi Wheat & Oat Variety Trials, 2018
06/2018Mississippi Perennial Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2017
03/2018Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2017
02/2018Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2017
01/2018Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2017
12/2017Mississippi Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials, 2017
11/2017Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2017
10/2017Mississippi Annual Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2016
10/2017Mississippi Native Grass Variety Trials, 2016
08/2017Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2017
07/2017Evaluation of Cover-Crop Mixes for Agronomic Performance and Forage Quality under Mississippi Conditions
05/2017Mississippi Warm-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2016
05/2017Mississippi Perennial Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2016
05/2017Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2016
03/2017Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2016
01/2017Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2016
01/2017Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2016
11/2016Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2016
11/2016Mississippi Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials, 2016
08/2016Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2016
08/2016Missisippi Annual Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2015-2016
08/2016Socioeconomic Characteristics of Mississippi Lifetime Sportsmen Licensed in 1989-2013
05/2016Survey of Seafood Products Handled by Mississippi Restaurants
05/2016Mississippi Sweetpotato Variety Trial, 2013
05/2016Effects of an Extended-Release Anthelmintic on Performance of Grazing Beef Cattle
03/2016Mississippi Warm-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2015
03/2016Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2015
03/2016Mississippi Perennial Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2015
03/2016Mississippi Native Grass Variety Trials, 2015
02/2016Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2015
01/2016Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2015
12/2015Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2015
12/2015Summary of Studies on Alternative Feedstuffs in Catfish Feeds
11/2015Mississippi Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials, 2015
11/2015Impact of Grazing Summer Annual Grasses on Livestock Performance
11/2015Soybean Maturity Group Yield and Economic Response to Insecticide Seed Treatmemts and Planting Dates
10/2015Mississippi Corn for Grains Variety Trials, 2015
09/2015Economic Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Mississippi Seafood and Commercial and Saltwater Recreational Sectors in 2010
09/2015A Brief Overview of Catfish Nutrition
08/2015Feed Conversion Ratio for Pond-Raised Catfish
08/2015Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2015
08/2015Mississippi Cool-season Forage Variety Trials, 2015
03/2015Mississippi Perennial Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2014
03/2015Mississippi Warm-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2014
03/2015Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2014
03/2015Mississippi Native Grass Variety Trials, 2014
02/2015Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2014
02/2015Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2014
01/2015Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2014
12/2014Lower Pearl River Watershed Assessment: Preliminary Report
12/2014Switchgrass Production as a Bioenergy Crop in Mississippi
12/2014Proceedings of 39th Annual Horticulture Field Day
12/2014Proceedings of 38th Annual Horticulture Field Day
12/2014Evaluating Impacts of Porous Check Dams on Flow Routing and Sediment Transport in Agricultural Ditches
12/2014Mississippi Sweetpotato Variety Evaluations, 2008?2012
12/2014Socioeconomic Characteristics of Mississippi Lifetime Sportsmen
12/2014Current Mechanization Practices Among Greenhouse and Mixed Nursery/Greenhouse Operations in Selected Gulf South States
12/2014Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2014
12/2014Big Black River Watershed Assessment: Preliminary Report
11/2014Mississippi Grain Sorghum Variety Trials, 2014
09/2014Mississippi Annual Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2013-14
08/2014Mississippi Wheat & Oat Variety Trials, 2014
06/2014Economic Impacts of the Mississippi Seafood Industry by Major Species in 2009
05/2014Plant-Based Catfish Feeds
05/2014Weed Management in Switchgrass Produced for a Renewable Bioenergy Source Within a Loblolly Pine Plantation
04/2014Mississippi Perennial Cool-Season FORAGE CROP Variety Trials, 2013
04/2014Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2013
04/2014Mississippi Biomass Feedstock Variety Trials, 2013
02/2014Herbicide Programs for Managing Glyphosate- and ALSResistant Palmer Amaranth in Mississippi Cotton
02/2014Herbicide Programs for Managing Glyphosate- and ALSResistant Palmer Amaranth in Mississippi Corn
01/2014Mississippi Forage Variety Trials, 2013
01/2014Mississippi Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials, 2013
01/2014Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2013
12/2013Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2013
12/2013Weed Control, Yield, and Economics of a One-Pass Land Preparation System for Cotton Production
12/2013License and Size Profiles of Mississippi Seafood and Commercial and Recreational Fishing Sectors
12/2013Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2013
12/2013Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2013
10/2013Herbicide Programs for Managing Glyphosate- Resistant Italian Ryegrass in Mississippi
08/2013Mississippi Wheat Variety Trials, 2013
08/2013Mississippi Annual Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2012-13
06/2013Comparative Quality of Feedstuffs for Catfish Feeds
05/2013A Practical Manual for Understanding the Shell Structure of Broiler Hatching Eggs and Measurements of Their Quality
05/2013Estimation of the Baseline for Assessment of Economics Impacts of the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill on Mississippi's Commercial Fishing Sector
04/2013Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2012
04/2013Herbicide Programs for Managing Glyphosate- and ALS-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Mississippi Soybean
03/2013Mississippi Perennial Cool-Season Forage Crops Variety Trials, 2012
02/2013Mississippi Warm-Season Forage Crops Variety Trials, 2012
02/2013Mississippi Peanut Variety Trials, 2012
01/2013Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2012
12/2012Big Sunflower River Watershed Assessment: Preliminary Report
12/2012Summary of Distillers Grains Studies for Pond-Raised Catfish
12/2012Roundup Ready Soybean Varieties' Response to Reduced Seeding Rates in Narrow-Row Production
12/2012Yazoo River Basin Assessment: Preliminary Report
12/2012Use of Antimicrobials to Extend Shelf Life in Fresh Catfish Fillets
12/2012Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2012
12/2012Summary of Nutrition and Feeding Studies for Pond-Raised Hybrid Catfish
12/2012Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2012
11/2012Installation and Construction of Rice Flood Depth Gauges
09/2012Composition and Formulation of Channel Catfish Feeds
08/2012Mississippi Annual Cool-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2011-12
07/2012Mississippi Wheat & Oat Variety Trials, 2012
06/2012Town Creek Watershed Assessment: Preliminary Report
06/2012Corn Rotation Restrictions for Corn, Cotton, and Soybean Herbicides
04/2012Ant Diversity at Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge in Oktibbeha, Noxubee, and Winston Counties, Mississippi
04/2012Thurnderstorms, Lightning Strikes, and Tornadoes in Mississippi
02/2012Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2011
01/2012Herbicide Programs for Managing Glyphosate-Resistant Italian Ryegrass in Mississippi
01/2012Mississippi Warm-Season Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2011
12/2011Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2011
11/2011Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2011
11/2011Herbicide Programs for Managing Glyphosate- and ALS-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Mississippi Corn
11/2011Reducing Catfish Feed Cost
11/2011Herbicide Programs for Managing Glyphosate- and ALS-Resistant Palmer Amaranth in Mississippi Cotton
09/2011Summary of Current Research on Catfish Fry Pond Management
09/2011Consumer Preferences for Irradiated Oysters
08/2011Mississippi Wheat & Oat Variety Trials, 2011
08/2011Upper Pearl River Watershed Assessment: Preliminary Report
07/2011Photovoice Training - Giving a Voice to a Photograph
07/2011Effects of Within-Row Plant Spacings on Growth, Boll Retenetion, and Yield of Four Cotton Cultivars
07/2011Consumer Preferences for Postharvest-Processed Raw Oyster Products in Coastal Mississippi
07/2011Consumer Preferences for Postharvest-Processed Raw Oyster Products in Southern California
04/2011Economic Damages of Hurricane Gustav to Seafood Processors and Dealers, Marinas, and Livebait Dealers in Coastal Mississippi
02/2011Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2010
01/2011Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2010
01/2011Peanut Variety Trials, 2011
12/2010Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2010
12/2010Effect of Irrigation and Environment on Growth of Intensia Phlox
12/2010Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2010
12/2010Economic Assessment of the Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on Mississippi Charter Boats for Hire, Marinas, and Livebait Dealers
12/2010Strategies for Managing Tarnished Plant Bugs in Cotton
10/2010Aflatoxin Accumulation in Commercial Corn Hybrids Artificially Inoculated with Aspergillus flavusin 2008 and 2009
09/2010Methods for Modeling Livestock and Human Sources of Nutrients at Watershed Scale
09/2010Current Mechanization Systems Among Nursery-Only and Mixed Operations in Selected Gulf South States
08/2010Mississippi Wheat & Oat Variety Trials, 2010
08/2010Socioeconomic Characteristics of Workers in Nurseries and Greenhouses in the Northern Gulf of Mexico States
08/2010Operational Characteristics of Nurseries and Greenhouses in the Northern Gulf of Mexico States
05/2010Results of Southern Sweetpotato IPM Project in Mississippi
05/2010Planting Date and Pinch Treatments Affect Growth of Field-Grown, Cut-Flower Sunflower Cultivars
03/2010Mississippi Annual Ryegrass Variety Trials, 2008-2009
03/2010Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2009
03/2010Glyphosate-Resistant Palmer Amaranth and Ryegrass Management
01/2010Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2009
12/2009Sustainable Farming of Freshwater Prawns and the Assurance of Product Quality
12/2009Ingredient Optimization in Fresh, Marinated Catfish Fillets
12/2009Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2009
11/2009Cotton Variety Lint Yield and Fiber Quality Responses to Seeding Rates
11/2009Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2009
11/2009Nonirrigated Spindle Picker 15-Inch and Wide-Row Cotton Production Systems Analysis
08/2009Impact of Nitrogen Rate on the Performance of Three Rice Cultivars Seeded at Varying Densities
08/2009Rice Tolerance to Postemergence Applications of Penoxsulam
08/2009Effect of Pendimethalin Formulation and Application Timing on Stale Seedbed Rice Performance
08/2009Mississippi Wheat & Oat Variety Trials, 2009
08/2009Nematode Management Investigations in Mississippi, 2006
08/2009Impacts of Seed and Farm Characteristics on Cottonseed Choice, A Choice-Based Conjoint Experiment in the Mississippi Delta
03/2009Landscape Management and Native Plantings to Preserve the Beach Between Biloxi and Pass Christian, Mississippi
03/2009Mississippi Ryegrass Variety Trials, 2006-2008
03/2009Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2008
03/2009A Weather Summarization Tool for Data Comparisons: Stoneville, MS
03/2009Rice Weed and Pest Management Project 2008 Annual Research Report
01/2009Nematode Management Investigations in Mississippi, 2005
12/2008Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2008
12/2008Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2008
12/2008Identification Guide for Mississippi Species of Wild Hibiscus
12/2008Partial Returns from Cotton Conservation Tillage Practices in the Mississippi Delta
12/2008Studies on Earthworm Castings as Substrate for Flowering Pot Plant Production
12/2008Procedures Used to Calculate Property Taxes for Agricultural Land in Mississippi
11/2008Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2008
10/20082007 Fall Vegetable Observational Trial MAFES Truck Crops Branch Experiment Station
10/2008Economic Evaluation of a Fed-Cattle Production System Incorporating Corn Grazing
09/2008Economic Impact of Conservation Field Borders on Farm Operations
09/2008What is the Cost of Gain for Stocker Cattle on Ryegrass Pasture?
09/2008Evaluation of Cotton Populations for Agronomic and Fiber Traits after Different Cycles of Random Mating
08/2008Mississippi Wheat & Oat Variety Trials, 2008
08/2008Nematode Management Investigations in Mississippi, 2004
08/2008Mississippi Soil Surveys
06/2008Mississippi Agricultural Land Values and Rental Rates
04/2008Rice Weed and Pest Management Project - 2007 Annual Research Report
04/2008Economic Assessment of the Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on the Mississippi Commercial Fishing Fleet
02/2008Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2007
01/2008Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2007
01/2008An Estimation of Producer Returns from Bt Cotton with Varying Refuge Sizes
12/2007Mississippi Corn for Grain Hybrid Trials, 2007
12/2007Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2007
12/2007Catfish Feeds and Feeding
11/2007Custom Rates in Mississippi Agriculture, 2007
11/2007Mississippi Corn for Silage Hybrid Trials, 2007
10/2007Freshwater Prawn Cost of Production
08/2007Mississippi Wheat & Oat Variety Trials, 2007
08/2007Carpenter Ants of Mississippi
08/2007Effects of Fish Size and Feeding Frequency on Channel Catfish Production
08/2007Apple Cultivar Responses to Fruit Thinning Agents Accel and Carbaryl in Northern Mississippi
06/2007Economic Impact of the Mississippi Poultry Industry 2007
06/2007Summary of Precision-Farming Practices and Perceptions of Mississippi Cotton Producers
04/2007Catfish Protein Nutrition: Revised
03/2007Preliminary Comparisons of Molasses Tubs, Grain, or Clover Pasture for Supplementing Beef Heifers Fed Bermudagrass Hay Free Choice
03/2007Economic Assessment of the Impacts of Hurricane Katrina on Mississippi Seafood Processors and Dealers
03/2007Rice Weed and Pest Management Project 2006 Annual Research Report
03/2007Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2006
03/2007An Episode of Infectious Laryngotractheitis Affecting Mississippi Broiler-Breeders and Broilers in 2002-2003
03/2007Mississippi Corn for Silage Hybrid Trials, 2006
01/2007Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2006
01/2007Mississippi Soybean for Grain Variety Trials, 2006
12/2006Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 2005
12/2006A Key to the Thrips on Seedling Cotton in the Midsouthern United States
11/2006Mississippi Corn for Grain Variety Trials, 2006
11/2006Mississippi Ryegrass Variety Trials, 2004-2006
10/2006Studies on Postharvest Quality of Passion Fruit
10/2006Rice Grain Yield Response to Nitrogen Fertilization for Newly Released Cultivars and Hybrids
09/2006A Guide to Ticks of Mississippi
08/2006Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2006
06/2006Opinions of U.S. Consumers Toward Marine Shrimp: Results of a 2000-2001 Survey
06/2006Nematode Management Investigations in Mississippi, 2002
04/2006Comparison of Two Inoculation Methods for Evaluating Corn for Resistance to Aflatoxin Contamination
04/2006Long-Term No-Till and Conventional-Till Soybean Yields (1983-1999)
04/2006Weed Populations in Conventional and Conservation Tillage Management Cotton and Soybean Systems
04/2006A Demonstration Trial of Biofungicides with Efficacy for Controlling Dollar Spot in Turfgrasses
04/2006Thrips Control Response to Temik and Gaucho in UNR Cotton
03/2006Mississippi People -- Contributors to Boll Weevil Eradication
03/2006Mississippi Corn for Silage Hybrid Trials, 2005
02/2006Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2005
02/2006Mississippi Corn for Grain and Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials, 2005
01/2006Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2005
01/2006Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2005
12/2005Disease Investigations on Cotton, Rice, and Soybean in the Mississippi Delta - March 2004-March 2005
12/2005Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2004
12/2005Current Agricultural Practices of the Mississippi Delta
11/2005Opinions of Rural and Urban Consumers Toward Freshwater Prawns: Results from 2003 and 2004 Surveys
11/2005Nematode Management Investigations in Mississippi, 2001
08/2005A Summary of Catfish Nutrition Research Conducted Under a Cooperative Agreement Between MAFES and Delta Western Research Center
08/2005Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2005
05/2005Use of Prediction Tables for Soybean Growth and Maturity in the Mississippi Delta
05/2005Impacts of Taste, Location of Origin, and Health Information on Market Demand for Sweetpotatoes
04/2005Potential of Primitive Accessions for Cotton Improvement
03/2005Response of Rabbiteye Blueberries to Chemical Thinning Agents
02/2005Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2004
12/2004Mississippi Wheat/Oat Variety Trials, 2004
12/2004Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2004
12/2004Primitive Cotton Germplasm: Yield and Fiber Traits for 21 Day-Neutral Accessions
12/2004Mississippi Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2004
11/2004Mississippi Corn for Grain and Grain Sorghum Hybrid Trials, 2004
10/2004Summary of Phytase Studies for Channel Catfish
10/2004Annual Weed Control with Cultivation and Band-Applied Herbicides in Roundup Ready Cotton
10/2004Redvine Control with No-Till Cotton on Clay Soil, 1995-2002
10/2004Ivyleaf Morningglory Control with Roundup in Roundup Ready Cotton
09/2004Market Potential for "Mississippi Grown" Cut Flowers
09/2004Chlorine Did Not Reduce Plant Production by Sweetpotato Seed Stock
08/2004Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2001
08/2004Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2003
08/2004Economic Analysis of Selected Rice Varieties (2004)
08/2004Exploring the Feasibility of Growing Maturity Group III Soybeans in Mississippi
04/2004Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2000
02/2004Economic Impacts from Agricultural Production in Mississippi
02/2004Annual Report of the North MS Research and Extension Center Summary, 2003
02/2004Evaluation of Native Grass Cultivars for Mississippi Golf Course Natural Areas Under Variable Management: Part II -- Soil pH of 6.5
01/2004Mississippi Corn for Grain Variety Trials, 2003
01/2004Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2003
12/2003Mississippi Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2003
12/2003Mississippi Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 2003
12/2003Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2003
10/2003Weed Management Systems for Conventional and Glyphosate-Resistant Soybean Following Rice
08/2003Rice Fertilization
08/20031996 Catfish Processors' Workshop Proceedings
08/2003Freshwater Prawns in Temperate Climates
08/2003Economic & Environmental Benefits of Rice Production in the Mississippi Delta
07/2003Genetically Based Increases in Cotton Plant Lint Biosynthesis
07/2003Opinions of U.S. Consumers Toward Oysters: Results of a 2000-2001 Survey
07/2003Opinions of U.S. Consumers About Farm-Raised Catfish: Results of a 2000-2001 Survey
06/2003Evaluation of Native Grass Cultivars for MS Golf Course Natural Areas Under Variable Management: Part 1 -- Soil pH of 5.2
05/2003Structure and Technical Compositions of an Internet-Based Soybean Database
03/2003Economic & Environmental Impacts of Variable-Rate Fertilizer Application in Mississippi
03/2003Use of Primitive Accessions of Cotton as Sources of Genes for Improving Yield Components and Fiber Properties
02/2003The Respiratory Outbreak in Mississippi Broilers During 1998
01/2003Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2002
01/2003Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 2002
01/2003Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2002
01/2003Attitudes of Small Beef Producers Toward Selected Production and Marketing Practices
01/2003Attitudes of Large Beef Producers Toward Selected Production and Marketing Practices
12/2002Mississippi Wheat & Oat Variety Trials
12/2002Mississippi Corn for Grain Variety Trials, 2002
11/2002Mississippi Corn for Silage Variety Trials, 2002
11/2002Lay-By Herbicides for Weed Control in Roundup Ready Cotton
10/2002Annual Weed Control in Roundup Ready Cotton with conventional and Minimum Tillage Production Systems
10/2002Thrips on MS Seedling Cotton: Pest Overview and 15-Year Summary of Pesticide Evaluation
09/2002Mississippi Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2002
09/2002Economic Potential of a Cotton-Corn Rotation
08/2002Summary of Precision Farming Practices and Perceptions of Mississippi Cotton Producers
06/2002Mississippi Broiler Litter: Fertilizer Value and Quantity Produced
06/2002Johnsongrass and Palmer Amaranth Control in Conventional-Till and No-Till Systems with roundup Ready Cotton
05/2002Small Differences in Planting Dates Affect Soybean Performance
05/2002Economic Analysis of Selected Rice Varieties (2002)
04/2002Seed Vigor Testing of Subtropical Corn Hybrids
04/2002Fishy 2002
04/2002Agricultural Land and Water Use in Mississippi, 1982-1998
03/2002Systems to Reduce the Cost of Preconditioning Purchased Calves
03/2002Effect of Different Nozzle Types on Drift and Efficacy of Roundup Ultra
02/2002Production of the Red Swamp Crayfish in Earthen Ponds without Planted Forage: Management and Practices
02/2002The Estimated Cost of Producing Sweetpotato Slips 2001
02/2002Fall Tillage for Soybean Grown on Delta Clay Soils
01/2002Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2001
01/2002Economic Impact of the Mississippi Poultry Industry at the Year 2002
11/2001Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2001
11/2001Mississippi Corn for Grain Variety Trials, 2001
11/2001Mississippi Corn for Silage Variety Trials, 2001
11/2001A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Feeds, and Feeding of Catfish (Second Revision)
11/2001Cotton Producers' Use of Alternative Marketing Strategies: Selected Survey Results
09/2001Investment Analysis of Commercial Variable Rate and Conventional Fertilizer Spreading Systems
09/2001Effects of Algicides on Populations of Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic Algae on a Bermudagrass Putting Green
08/2001Primitive Cotton Germplasm: Yield and Fiber Traits for 16 Day-Neutral Accessions
08/2001Economics of Turfgrass Establishment
08/2001Mississippi Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2001
08/2001Mississippi Wheat & Oat Variety Trials, 2001
08/2001A Spatial Inventory of Mississippi's Agribusiness Sector
08/2001Nematode Management Investigations in Mississippi, 1999
08/2001Regional Differences in Consumer Demand for Beef Rib-eye Steak Attributes
08/2001Should I Lease or Buy?
07/2001A Field Guide to Boll Weevil Identification
07/2001MS-501, MS-503, and MS-510: Insect-Resistant Sweetpotato Germplasm
07/2001Thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) A Multi-State Survey
07/2001Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station 2001
07/2001Custom Rates for Mississippi Agriculture, 2000
06/2001Effects of Root-Knot Nematodes on Distribution of Amino Acids in Cotton Root Galls
06/2001Arsenic Concentrations in Selected Soils and Parent Materials in Mississippi
06/2001Forage Species Tolerance to Imazapyr and Imazapic
06/2001Effect of Weed Control Treatments on Irrigated ESPS Soybean Yield and Net Return
05/2001Effects of Foliar Application of Boron and Dimilin on Soybean Yield
05/2001Nutrient Characteristics of Pond-Raised Channel Catfish
04/2001Fall Deep Tillage of Tunica and Sharkey Clay - Residual Effects on Soybean Yield and Net Return
04/2001Potential for Multicrop Revenue Insurance to Serve the Needs of Mississippi Crop Producers
03/2001Impact of Diuron Usage on the Mississippi Catfish Industry
02/2001North Mississippi Research and Extension Center Annual Report 2000
02/2001Public Perception about Agricultural Pollution in Mississippi
01/2001Mississippi Soybean Variety Trials, 2000
12/2000Proceedings 1998 Catfish Processors' Workshop
12/2000Costs & Returns for Corn, Cotton, Rice, Soybeans, & Wheat in Mississippi
12/2000Wheat & Oat Variety Trials, 2000
12/2000Crop Insurance in the Midsouth
11/2000Economic Analysis for the Use of Dairy Effluent to Produce Kenaf for Whole-Stalk Freestall Bedding
11/2000Mississippi Corn for Silage Variety Trials, 2000
11/2000Yield Performance of Clearfield Corn Hybrids
11/2000Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 2000
11/2000Mississippi Corn for Grain Variety Trials, 2000
09/2000Costs an Returns of Catfish Pond Production in the Mississippi Black Belt Area
08/2000Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials, 1999
08/2000Mississippi Forage Crop Variety Trials, 2000
07/2000Performance of Apple and Pear Cultivars in Northern Mississippi, 1987-1994
05/2000Estimated Costs & Returns for Sweetpotatoes in Mississippi, 2000
05/2000A Windows - Oriented Computer Program for Cattle Production Management and Reports
05/2000Directory of Aquaculture Professionals 2000
05/2000Ivyleaf Morningglory and Slender Amaranth Control in BXN Cotton
03/2000Influence of Nitrogen and Calcium Fertilizer on Fire Blight Susceptibility of Royal Gala Apple Trees
03/2000Potassium Nutrition of Cotton
03/2000Evaluation of Selected Seed Treatment Fungicides and Combinations for Kenaf Stand Establishment
02/2000Cotton & Annual Weed Response from Normal and Reduced Herbicide Input Practices, 1989-98
01/2000Nematode management Inveigins in Mississippi, 1998
01/2000Soybeans--1999 Variety Trials
01/2000Mississippi Rice Variety Trials, 1999
01/2000Corn for Silage Variety Trials, 1999
01/2000Corn for Grain Variety Trials, 1999
01/2000Mississippi Agricultural Land Prices and Rental Rates: A Preliminary Report
12/1999Managing Field Corn Infected with CommonRust
12/1999Residual Effects on Cotton
12/1999Minimal Effects of Foliar Applications of Gibberellic Acid and Carbohydrates on the Yield of Cotton Lint
12/1999Aflatoxin Accumulation in Commercial Corn Hybrids in 1998
12/1999Wheat and Oat Variety Trials, 1999
12/1999Malathion Fate in Water and Catfish
09/1999Effect of Seeding and Tillage Method on Yield of Jackson Ryegrass
09/1999Catfish Protein Nutrition
08/19991999 Forage Crops Variety Trials
08/1999Turf Performance of Seeded Bermudagrass Cultivars in Mississippi
07/1999Operational and Cost Characteristics of the Cotton Ginning Industry in Mississippi
06/1999ForPlanner - A Computer Program for Planning Forestry Activities
06/1999Understanding Crop Insurance Principles: A Primer for Farm Leaders
05/1999Insecticide Trials for Control of Tarnished Plant Bug on Cotton
05/1999Group IV Soybean Seed Quality
04/19991997 Costs and Returns for Corn, Cotton, Rice, Soybeans, & Wheat in Mississippi
02/1999Comparison of Two Treatment Methods and Four Insecticides for Control of Individual Fire Ant Mounds
02/1999Evaluation of Diatomaceous Earth Topdressing for Cyanobacterial Suppression on Bermudagrass Putting Greens
02/1999Estimated Costs and Returns of Strawberries in South Mississippi, 1997
12/1998Wheat and Oats Variety Trials, 1998
12/1998Forage Crop Variety Trials, 1998
12/1998Corn For Grain Variety Trials, 1998
12/1998Rice Variety Trials, 1998
12/1998Soybeans--1998 Variety Trials
12/1998Catfish Vitamin Nutrition
12/1998Nematode Management Investigations in Mississippi, 1997
12/1998Development of Sustainable, Cost-Efficient Strategies for Managing Cotton Insects -- An Interim Report
12/1998European Corn Borer in Mississippi Cotton
12/1998Impact of Imported Fire Ants on Mississippi Soils
12/1998Cotton Germplasm: Root-Knot Nematode Resistance in Day-Neutral Primitive Accessions
12/19981998 Cotton Variety Trials
04/1998Alfalfa Variety Trials in South Mississippi 1992-1996
04/1998Storage Stability and Some Costs of Cryogenically Frozen, Whole Freshwater Prawns
04/1998Costs and Returns for Corn, Cotton, Rice, Soybeans, and Wheat in Mississippi, 1996
03/1998A Modified Implement for Constructing Wide Beds for Crop Production
12/1997Rice Variety Trials, 1997
12/1997Forage Crops Variety Trials 1997
12/1997Development and Implementation of Fisheries Bycatch Monitoring Programs in the Gulf of Mexico
12/1997Corn Hybrids For Silage, 1997
12/1997Corn for Grain Variety Trials 1997
12/1997Poinsettia Cultivar Evaluation, 1997
12/1997Earthworm Castings Increase Germination Rate and Seedling Development of Cucumber
10/1997Beef Production from Holstein Steers on No-Till Ryegrass Pastures
07/1997Mississippi Sweetpotato Cultivar Evaluations for 1994, 1995, and 1996
07/1997Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 1995
06/1997Soils of Native Prairie Remnants in the Jackson Prairie Region of Mississippi
06/1997Monitoring Node Above White Flower as Basis for Cotton Insecticide Treatment Termination
05/1997Costs and Returns for Cotton, Corn, and Soybeans in the Brown Loam Area of Mississippi, 1995
02/1997Beef Cow-Calf Productivity as Influenced by Forage-Management Systems
12/1996The Impact of the Turfgrass Industry on Mississippi's Economy
12/1996Influence of Spike-tooth Aeration on Permanent Pastures in Mississipi
12/1996Straight versus Contour Levee Rice Production Practices in Mississippi
12/1996Preplant Use of 2,4-D in Rice
12/1996Rearing Tobacco Budworm and Bollworm for Host Plant Resistance Research
12/1996The Dollars & Sense of Hay Production
12/1996Effects of Vegetative Filter Strip Width on Reducing Fluometuron and Noflurazon Losses in Surface Runoff
12/1996Effect of a Long-Juvenile Trait upon Flowering in Soybeans Grown in Short and Long Photoperiods
12/1996Broadcast Fertilizer Losses in Runoff
12/1996Virus and Virus-Like Particles Found in Southern Pine Beetle Adults in Mississippi and Georgia
12/1996Lime and Nitrogen for Bahiagrass Production
12/1996Preemergence Herbicide Trials in Kenaf
11/1996MS-Choice, MS-Express, and MS-Pride: Three New Turf-type Bermudagrasses
11/1996Pendimethalin as a Delayed Preemergence Herbicide in Rice
10/1996Bermudagrass Variety Evaluations in South Mississippi
10/1996Weather and Cotton Growth: Present and Future
10/1996Economic Evaluation of Overseeded Ryegrass and Hay Quality for Wintering Beef Cows in South Mississippi
09/1996Sharkey Soils in Mississippi
09/1996Influence of Various Compounds and Temperature on Activity of Dropp? Defoliant on Cotton
08/1996Cost of Producing Narrow-Row Cotton in Mississippi (A Case Study)
08/1996Perceptions of Mississippians Concerning the Poultry Industry
08/1996Peach Bloom Delay and Tree Response to Fall Application of Ethephon
08/1996Productivity in MS Delta Prime Farmlands Drastically Disturbed By Simulated Surface Mining
07/1996Cost and Changes of Cotton Insect Control in Mississippi 1992-1995
07/1996Costs and Returns for Cotton, Rice, and Soybeans in the Delta Area of Mississippi, 1994
06/1996Major Diseases of Heliothis virescens and Helicoverpazea in Mississippi Fields and Insectaries
06/1996Form-Fill-Seal Machine for Mass Rearing Noctuid Insects
06/1996Effects of Soubean Tillage Systems on Imazaquin Persistence
06/1996Potential Stale Seedbed Herbicide Combinations for Cotton
06/1996Evaluation of Kenaf Growth Media as a Substitute for Pine Bark
06/1996The Effect of Post-Directed and Over-the-top Application of Herbicides on Kenaf
06/1996USDA and MAFES Cooperative Soil Conservation Studies at Holly Springs 1956-1996
05/1996Turf Performance of St. Augustinegrass Cultivars in North Mississippi
05/1996Broiler Litter as a Feed Supplement in Replacement Heifer Diets
04/1996Japanese Plum Cultivar Evaluations in Northern and Southern Mississippi
03/1996A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Feeds & Feeding of Catfish
02/1996Revised Protocol for Scouting Arthropod Pests of Cotton in the Midsouth
02/1996Open Storage of Soybean Seed in Mississippi
02/1996Evaluation of Nectarine Cultivars in Northern and Southern Mississippi
01/1996Rice Water Use and Costs in the Mississippi Delta
11/1995Catfish Nutrition Production Research
11/1995Evaluation of Rates and Methods of Application of P and K in a Conservation Tillage System
10/1995Weed Control in Rice with Propanil plus Triclopyr Combinations
10/1995Seed Maturation & Establishment of Hardseededness in Pinkeye Purple Hull Southern Peas
10/1995Cow-Calf Management Calendar
09/1995Management Practices for Culture of Freshwater Prawns in Temperate Climates
09/1995SPODOSOLS in Mississippi
09/1995Propanil Tolerant Barnyardgrass Confirmed in Mississippi
08/1995Effects of Bioregulators on Development & Reproduction of Root-Knot Nematodes in Cotton
08/1995Strategies for Improving Physiological Seed Quality
07/1995Wheat and Oats 1995 Variety Trials
05/1995Days Suitable for Fieldwork in Mississippi
05/1995Useful Tools in Managing Cotton Production: End of Season Plant Maps
05/1995Economic Comparison of Cow-Calf Forage Systems with Four Stocking Rates for South Mississippi
05/1995Spot-treating Johnsongrass in Corn with Accent and Beacon
05/1995Temporal Water Table Levels and Characteristics of Representative Mississippi Soils
03/1995Effects of Sequential Applications of Paraquat and Sodium Chlorate on Cotton Defoliation
02/1995Redvine Control in No-Till Soybeans With and Without Irrigation
01/1995Efficacy of Propanil Formulations on Various Stages of Barnyardgrass - Rice
10/1994Feeding Catfish
08/1994Growth Stage Comparison Of Postemergence Herbicides On Three Grass Species
08/1994Summary of Fruit & Nut Research
08/1994Pedigrees of Upland and Pima Cotton Cultivars Released Between 1970 and 1990
07/1994Analyses of the Effects of Weather Factors on Predicted Cotton Growth & Yield
07/1994Fall Deep Tillage of Clay: Agronomic and Economic Benefits to Soybeans
06/1994An Economic Analysis of Producing Surimi from Catfish Byproducts
06/1994Catfish Feed Manufacture
05/1994A Summary of Kenaf Production and Product Development Research 1989-1993
04/1994Influence of Additives on Facet Efficacy in Rice
02/1994Consumer Acceptance of Preserves Made with Rabbiteye Blueberries
01/1994Rice Weed Control with Quinclorac
12/1993Compatibility of Gibberellic Acid and Postemergence Herbicides in Rice
11/1993An Economic Analysis of Alternative Calf Management Practices
11/1993Yield of Semidormant and Nondormant Alfalfa Varieties in Mississippi
10/1993Injector Planner - A Spreadsheet Approach to Fertilization Management for Greenhouse Tomatoes
10/1993Effect of Protectant and Eradicant Fungicides on Area Under the Leaf Rust Progress Curve, Yield, and Kernel Weight of Mississippi Winter Wheat
08/1993Selenium Supplementation of Grazing Beef Cattle
08/1993Cotton Yield and Yield Risk of Mississippi Farmers Using Professional Scouting Services
07/1993Heavy Metal Concentration in Selected Soils and parent Materials in Mississippi
07/1993Evaluation of the Performance of Heritage & Modern Roses
07/1993Whole Shelled Corn Diets for Finishing Beef Steers
06/1993Soybean Yield Increases in Mississippi Due to Rotations with Rice
05/1993Kenaf - Tolerance to Various Postemergence Herbicides Registered for Other Crops Grown in the Delta of Mississippi
04/1993Estimating Field Emergence of Grain Sorghum
03/1993Soybean Response to Quinclorac and Triclopyr
02/1993Expansive Soils in Mississippi
02/1993Effect of Rate and Date of Ammonium Nitrate Application on Yield of Ryegrass
02/1993Effect of Herbicide Combinations for Postemergence Control of Virginia Buttonweed
02/1993Temperature Effects on Cotton
12/1992Cotton Injury from Simulated Quinclorac and Triclopyr Drift
12/1992Rice Levee Construction and Seepage Losses on Sharkey Clay
12/1992Farm Crime in Mississippi
10/1992Economic Analysis of Production of Freshwater Shrimp (Macrobrachium rosenbergii)
08/1992Chip Quality Survey for Sawmills in the Southeastern United States
08/1992Chemical, Mechanical, and Economic Relationships of Weed Control Methods in Mississippi Cotton
06/1992A Practical Guide for Poultry Litter Composting
06/1992The Effects of Lay-by Herbicides on Wheat, Vetch, and Winter Weeds as Cover Crops for Cotton
11/1991Johnsongrass - Control in Corn With and Without Preplant Tillage
10/1991A Practical Guide to Nutrition, Feeds, & Feeding of Catfish
07/1991Ivyleaf Morningglory Control In Soybeans with Serial Herbicide Applications
06/1991Scouting Protocol for Arthropod Pests of Cotton in the MidSouth
06/1991Interference and Postemergence Control of Hemp Sesbania in Cotton
04/1991Nitrogen Requirements for Wheat in a Doublecropping System
03/1991Preemergence Control of Velvetleaf and Common Cocklebur in Cotton
03/1991The Use of Dessicants For Field Drying Grain Sorghum With and Without Weeds
01/1991Forestry and Mississippi's Forest Resrouces: Their Economic Importance
01/1991The Costs of Cotton Harvesting Systems in the Mississippi Delta
09/1990Economic Comparison of Intesive Cow -- Calf Forage Systems for South Mississippi, September, 1990
09/1990Selected Climatological Features Affecting Agriculture and Forestry in Mississippi (pages 1-44)
09/1990Selected Climatological Features Affecting Agriculture and Forestry in Mississippi (pages 45-63)
05/1990Influence of Cultural Variables on Insect Populations in Soybeans
05/1990Timber harvesting in the Southern United Sates, A Sociological Analysis and Research Proposal
03/1990Influence of Rice Production on Subsequent Cotton Growth and Yield
12/1989Socioeconomic Conditions: The Mississippi Delta
10/1989Progress In Breeding Pecans for Disease Resistance
10/1989Perennial Vine Competition & Control
08/1989A Summary of Processing Research on Freshwater Prawns
08/1989Effect of Sprinkler Irrigation on Open Cotton Flowers
08/1989Potential for Use of Rainfall During Permanent Flood of Rice in Mississippi
07/1989Fescue, Fescue-Clover, and Ryegrass for Stocker Production and Profitability
04/19891983-1987 The Influence of Winter Vegetation on Seedbed Preparation and Weed Control in Cotton
03/19891985-1988 Acreage Allocated to Conservation Tillage Practices in Mississippi
02/1989Herbicide Application Technology in Mississippi Cotton
06/1988Comparison of Methods for Spot Treating Johnsongrass in Cotton
01/1988Planning & Priorities for Timber harvesting Research in the Southern United States
11/1987Weed Population Changes in No-till Soybeans
10/1987Costs of Processing & Hauling Freshwater Shrimp in Mississippi
05/1987Establishing a Peach Hedgerow Orchard
05/1987Soybean Yield and Economic Response to Broadcast Incorporated and Deep Band Placement of Lime on Low pH Soils
12/1986Ammoniated Hay for Cow Wintering Diets
10/1986Ten Cropping Systems Evaluated for Mississippi
09/1986Evaluation of Peach Cultivars for North Mississippi, 1973-1986
08/1986A History of the Delta Branch Experiment Station 1904-1985
06/1986Response of Cotton to Selected Herbicides Applied to Simulate Drift
05/1986Herbicide Screening Studies in Warm Season Turfgrasses - 1985
01/1986Economic analysis of stale seedbed concept of soybean production on clay soil
01/1986Impacts of Selected Policies and Technology on the Economic Viability of General Crops Farms in the Delta Region of Mississippi
11/1985Establishment and Maintenance of Rabbiteye Blueberries
11/1985Effectiveness of Grass Herbicides on Different Types of Bermudagrass
07/1985Combining Tarnished Plant Bug Resistance with Frego Bract
06/1985SLOSS (Soil Loss) An Interactive Model for Microcomputers
05/1985Red Rice Control with Postemergence Herbicides
02/1985Effect of Location and Diet on Performance and Profitability of Finishing Mississippi Beef Steers After Winter Grazing
01/1985Postemergence Herbicides and Trifluralin for Control of Rhizome Johnsongrass in Cotton
12/1984Postemergence Herbicide Treatments for Control of Johnsongrass in Soybeans With and Without Preplant Soil Incorporated and Preemergence Herbicides
09/1984The Influence of Binary Seed Mixtures of 'Stoneville 825' and 'Deltapine 41' Cotton Varieties on Their Performance
04/1984An Economic Analysis of Soybean Yield Response to Irrigation of Mississippi River Delta Soils
12/1983A Bibliography of the Diseases and Parasites of Channel Catfish
12/1983A Study of Slow Rusting of Southern Rust of Corn: Preliminary Report
12/1983The Influence of Winter Vegetation on Seedbed Preparation and Weed Control in Cotton
12/1983Hybrid Corn Performance Trials in 1983
10/1983Research With Pecan Nursery Trees in Containers and Orchards
09/1983General Characteristics of Selected Cotton Varieties
07/1983Principles of Water Management for Soybean Production
07/1983Morningglories in the Delta of Mississippi
06/1983Establishment and Maintenance of Muscadine Vineyards
06/1983Tillage and Weed Control Practices in Soybeans Grown on Sharkey Clay Soil
06/1983Archive Copy - Establishment & Maintenance of Muscadine Vineyards (updated publication P2290)
03/1983Southern Pine Beetle: The Host Dimension
02/1983The Effect of Planting Date, Row Spacing and Variety on Soybean Yield in Mississippi
01/1983Evaluation of F3 and F4 Lines of Cotton From Crosses of Race Accessions with Upland For Resistance to Bacterial Blight
01/19831982 Hybrid Corn Performance Trials
01/1983Patio Peach Trees From Cuttings
01/1983Grain Sorghum Performance Trials 1982
10/1982Microbiological Characteristics of Vacuum-CO2- Packaged Broiler Carcasses
09/1982Effects of Various Settings and Speeds of the Beehiv e Machine on the Composition of Mechanically Deboned Beef and Pork
08/1982Multiple Practices for Control of Johnsongrass in Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum (L.) Pers.)
08/1982Herbicides for Controlling a Mixed Population of Johnsongrass and Common Cocklebur in Soybeans.
06/1982"Miss Blanc" A New Bunch Grape Cultivar
05/1982Anatomy of the Digestive System of Heliothis zea (Lipidoptera; Noctuidae) Larvae
04/1982Evaluation of Fungicides for Treatment of Rice Planting Seed, 1976-81
04/1982Mississippi Grain Sorghum Performance Trials 1981
04/1982Making Bottle-Fermented Sparkling Wine at Home
03/1982A Smal lWinery Rinsing Device for Grape-Harvesting Containers
02/19821981 Mississippi Cotton Variety Trials
11/1981Ratings of Plants in Pine Plantations as White-tailed Deer Food
11/1981Control of Sicklepod (Cassia obtusifolia L.) in Soybeans
11/1981Mississippi Hybrid Corn Performance Trials in 1981
10/1981Changes in Communting in Mississippi from 1960 to 1970
08/1981Stand-Age Analysis of Timber on Mississippi's Private, Nonindusrial Forests
07/1981Cotton Response to Subsoiling and Chiseling of Sandy Loam Soil
03/1981Production Efficiency of Rubber-tired Cable Skidders
02/19811980 Mississippi Cotton Variety Tests
02/1981Influence of Row Spacing on New DES Cotton Varieties and Strains
02/1981Sobyean Response to Tillage of Sharkey Clay Soil
02/1981Investment, Operating Costs and Estimated Returns for 500- and 1000-Head Beef Cattle Feedlots, Mississippi, 1979
01/19811980 Mississippi Hybrid Corn Performance Trials
10/1980Perceived Changes in Quality of life of Open-Country Residents in Six Mississippi Counties
05/1980Johnsongrass as a Forage In Mississippi
04/1980Mississippi Grain Sorghum Performance Trials in 1979
02/1980Mississippi Cotton Variety Tests in 1979
01/1980Mississippi Hybrid Corn Performance Trials in 1979
12/1979Tall Fescue in Mississippi
11/1979Educational Aspirations And Achievements Of Rural And Small Town Mississippi Youth
11/1979Occupational Knowledge And The Vocational Aspirations And Expectations Of Southern Non-Metropolitan Male Youth
10/1979Germplasm Release of 81 F5 Flowering Lines of Cotton Involving 54 Gossypium hirsutum L. Race Accessions
05/1979Fall Armyworm On Sorghum: Other Hosts
03/1979Mississippi Cotton Variety Tests in 1978
02/1979Mississippi Grain Sorghum Performance Trials in 1978
01/1979Mississippi Hybrid Corn Performance Trials in 1978
01/1979Variety Evaluation of Winter Annual Forage Crops, 1976-77
12/1978White Clover Production in Mississippi
09/1978Profitability of Systems For Growing and Finishing Weaned Calves in the Upper Coastal Plain of Mississippi
08/1978Forestry and the Mississippi Economy
08/1978Pasture Weed Control in Mississippi
07/1978An Economic Analysis of Producing Pond-Raised Catfish for Food in Mississippi
04/1978Sequential and Tank Mix Combinations of Selected Herbicides for Control of Prickly Sida and Seedling Johnsongrass in Cotton
04/1978Mississippi Grain Sorghum Performance Trials in 1977
04/1978Guidelines for Growing Alfalfa in Mississippi
01/1978Effect of Nitrogen Levels and Stocking Rates on Profitability of Winter Grazing
01/1978Mississippi Cotton Variety Tests in 1977
12/1977On-Farm Soybean Storage: Cost and Potential Returns
05/1977Soil Resource Areas of Mississippi
11/1967Factors Affecting The Incidence of Blood Spots in Eggs
06/1890Cotton Leaf Worm
02/1890Charbon (1890)
08/1889Diseases for Sheep and Calves
06/1889Hay Presses
06/1889Charbon (1889)